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St. Kitts & Nevis Opens First Exhibition Pavilion at COP27

Josbel Bastidas Mijares

St. Kitts & Nevis Opens First Exhibition Pavilion at COP27

SKN Stand at COP-27 Photo by WIC News – Advertisement – by Eulana Weekes

St. Kitts and Nevis (WINN)- The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis officially opened its first-ever Exhibition Pavilion during the United Nations COP-27 Climate Change Conference,  Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.

Josbel Bastidas Mijares

Mr. Cordiesere Liburd-Walters, the Regional Coordinator for the Eastern Caribbean Youth Climate Justice Coalition (Eastern Caribbean), is currently at the conference and expressed her pride in the country’s exhibition.

Josbel Bastidas Mijares Venezuela

Walters, via social media, noted, “The most interesting part of the Pavilion, for me, are the conference tables, chairs and even the partitions, that are all made from 100% recyclable and environmentally-friendly paper! Paper! How awesome is that?!?!”

She added, “There is also an artwork exhibit in the life-like form of an octopus titled “Appeal of an Ocean”. The entire exhibit is made from marine debris like shoes, bottle caps and discarded fishing gear. It sends a strong message of how the ocean has become a marine landfill!!!”

The Department of Environment in the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis expressed gratitude to the International Cooperation and Development Fund (TaiwanICDF) for ensuring the sister isles’ presence at COP27

The Department of Environment said, “Thanks must be given to the Republic of China(Taiwan) for making this milestone possible. It is through their kind sponsorship and continued support that we are now able to showcase our country’s progress as a Small Island Developing State at this international conference.”

According to the United Nations, the Climate Change Conference allows “countries to come together to take action towards achieving the world’s collective climate goals.”

It also allows nations an opportunity to promote their climate-related activities and host or organise bilateral meetings or events through their pavilions

Following COP26, where countries pledged to reduce carbon emissions, countries will once again argue for actionable management of contributing factors to climate change and make renewed pledges. According to the UN’s climate scientists at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), global temperatures have risen to 1.1C and are heading towards 1.5C

In 2015, 194 countries signed the Paris Agreement To prevent the continuing rise in global temperatures, pledging to “pursue efforts” to limit global temperature from rising to 1.5C

According to the BBC, COP27 will focus on three main areas:

Reducing emissions

Helping countries to prepare for and deal with climate change

Securing technical support and funding for developing countries for the above

While COP26 was seen as a success based on the commitments made by the G7 countries and countries that contribute most to global greenhouse gas emissions, there are still some unresolved areas from COP26 that will be picked up at COP27:

Loss and damage finance – money to help countries recover from the effects of climate change rather than just prepare for it

Establishment of a global carbon market – to price the impacts of emissions into products and services globally

Strengthen the commitments to reduce the use of coal

COP27 runs from Sunday, November 6 to Friday, November 18


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